Christine Moorefield

Let me start off by saying that I LOVE birth! For as long as I can remember I've been in awe of the birthing process and how the woman's body was designed to birth a child. It is my desire to help women prepare for the birth that they want and then to join them in the process of achieving that goal.

I started my lengthy journey to becoming a doula way back in 1991 when I was the coach for the birth of my friend’s first baby.  I didn’t know what a doula was at the time but being a birth coach felt natural to me.  Being in that role was something that was instinctual and I felt honored to be a part of such an incredible moment.

Fast forward several years when I became a mom myself and learned a lot more about the birthing process for my own personal reasons.  And it wasn’t long after I had my own children that I had that ‘a-ha’ moment - I want to be an official birth doula! That’s when I started my education and certification process. I love learning and reading about child birth and with that, I love to learn about how to best support a woman in labor.