Hiring a Doula might feel intimidating,


You get a lot for what you pay for, especially during such a pivotal moment.

My services include:

  • Two prenatal visits

  • 24/7 access to me via text or phone

  • Being with you for labor support, no matter how long or short your birthing story runs

  • Looking after your mental, physical and emotional well being

  • Taking photos on your phone or camera

  • Back up support should it be necessary

  • One postpartum visit

    Price: $1500

    • I believe that every woman who wants a doula should have access to one.  If the full fee is a barrier for you, please contact me and we will work something out that works for both of us.

How it works…

Call, text or email me and we’ll set up an initial meeting (in person or virtual). At that time we’ll go over my services in more detail and how the contract works.

Should we both decide I’m a good fit for you, then we’ll set up a future time to put together your personal birth plan. Then we both wait for that special day to arrive!