What people are saying.

  • "Christine was my doula for the births of both of my sons. She brought a very calming energy to the room and I am so grateful she was there! ”

    — Julie

  • Everyone loved Christine. She was able to anticipate my needs during the birth and gave excellent hands on support during labor (massage, verbal encouragement, etc). My husband continues to RAVE about how much she saved his sanity during the birth.

    — Veronica C

  • My husband was an excellent birth coach, but we both said afterwards that we're not sure if we could've done it without Christine. Her kindness, humility and willingness to do anything to support us both, during and after labor, and her peaceful demeanor greatly contributed to the atmosphere of the room.

    — Anna C

Anna’s Story—


My husband and I made the decision to change from a hospital birth to a birth center for our first baby in the final days of my pregnancy, due to the high-intervention nature of our OB group. We didn't even consider needing a doula until the midwives recommended it, which meant that we were looking for someone last minute! Christine happily jumped in to fill that role, and we met her for the first time on Friday, before delivering the following Monday. I thought it would be awkward to have a doula present for our birth who we barely knew, but Christine was a huge contributor to our success. Her gracious and affirming attitude at our first meeting gave me a lot of confidence in attempting an unmedicated birth and helped assuage some fears that I had that I couldn't succeed. My husband was an excellent birth coach, but we both said afterwards that we're not sure if we could've done it without Christine. Her kindness, humility and willingness to do anything to support us both, during and after labor, and her peaceful demeanor greatly contributed to the atmosphere of the room. She was simultaneously unintrusive and confident, and that provided support and confidence for me during the moments of labor where I was fearful that I couldn't get through it. 

We also had a severe postpartum infection and hemhorrage, starting with extra bleeding immediately after delivery, and culminating in a massive hemmhorage five hours later. Christine attended to me while I was receiving the initial treatment after delivery while my husband held the baby, and then offered to hold him in another room so that I could rest. This meant that when I was emergency transferred to the hospital, she was still holding our baby. She took such great care of him until passing him off to my parents, and aided them in making sure they had everything they needed to take on the (unexpected) care of a newborn. 

We would highly recommend Christine to anyone looking for a doula!